What is Sex Coaching?

Sex Coaching or Sexual Coaching is a discipline that helps improve your sexual life. For a fully satisfying and fulfilling development of sexuality in every sense, it is necessary to develop affective, emotional, or attitudinal competencies that can be learned and trained.

By working on and training in this field, we can achieve the ability to focus all the energy and power we generate on the goals we seek.

Several years ago I began exploring the disciplines of Sacred (or Conscious) Sexuality, initially as a means to overcome my own crises, such as the Tao of Love and Tantra. I have primarily (though not exclusively) focused on working with women and their feminine energy through various proposals and practices, offering my expertise as a Sex Coach, Therapist, and Male Sexual Activator, as a means for transformation and achieving purposes.

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Qué es el Sex Coaching

El Sex coaching o Coaching sexual es una disciplina que ayuda a mejorar tu vida sexual. Para un desarrollo de la sexualidad plenamente satisfactoria y gratificante en todos los sentidos, es necesario desarrollar competencias afectivas, emocionales o actitudinales que se pueden aprender y entrenar.

Al trabajar y entrenar este campo, podemos lograr la capacidad de enfocar toda la energía y el poder que generamos, en los propósitos que buscamos.

Fernando Far - Sex Coach

Hace varios años que exploro las disciplinas de la Sexualidad Sagrada (o consciente) tales como el Tao del Amor y el Tantra, y me he volcado a trabajar principalmente con la mujer y su energía femenina, a través de diferentes propuestas y prácticas, brindando mi conocimiento como Sex Coach, Terapeuta y Activador Sexual Masculino, como un medio para la transformación y el logro de los propósitos.

Sacred Sexuality, through awareness and meditation, fosters unity and love.

Allow me to guide you on this path.

Fernando Far

Sex Coach


My Journey

Sexual coaching focuses on facilitating the development of the client's (or practitioner's) sexual energy through a series of interventions that provide tools to help them understand themselves better, break free from limiting beliefs, and unlock their true sexual potential, based on the goals set previously with the Sex Coach or Sexual Guide.

I conduct it through sessions (both in-person and online), that combine conversation, the learning of various techniques and disciplines, along with practices involving embodiment, movement, and nudity. This is done through various offerings such as:

Sex Coaching Sessions

Individual sessions in which I combine coaching techniques with practices and exercises that include movement, embodiment, and nudity.

A practice that allows self-discovery through another and accessing nudity in a natural way.

A practice of deep sensory connection that offers a journey of expanded consciousness through the most intimate bodily pleasure.

Through the practice of nude meditation, I disconnect my physical body from its sexual nature and accept who I truly am.

Talks, Workshops, and Training

On the topic of sacred and conscious sexuality, where we share knowledge and experiences within the ideal framework of my space or locations chosen for it.

Experiential Journeys (Retreats)

Both group and individual journeys to places of strong connection with nature and the sensory, to work deeply on what your energy is needing.

Contact me

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