


Meditating naked is a unique type of meditation among the many that exist, which can help you accept and enjoy yourself more. The benefits of meditation have been demonstrated countless times, and just to name a few, we can say it reduces stress levels, boosts the immune system, and increases energy, among other benefits.

The same goes for the effect it has on your inner self, improving your social skills and emotional stability. This lesser-known type of meditation has, however, gained popularity with people who want to feel comfortable with themselves.

This is nude meditation or also known as natural meditation practice. Free from everything, from clothing, and above all, from thoughts that trap and hinder us.

It is worth noting that it is ideal as a prelude to tantric massages or other practices that involve bodily expression and nudity.

"When I meditate in nature, I don't just experience it; I become part of it. My body merges and blends with the surroundings, and I dissolve into the wonder of creation, of conscious life.

In a forest, near water, on the beach, or by the shore of a lake. At the top of a mountain or on the flat surface of a rock. In my own garden or in my living room. At dawn, at dusk, my body feels at peace, calm, and I can feel the breeze on my skin, preventing thoughts from distracting me, and my body becomes the channel of connection with the higher.."

Fernando - Sex Coach

To work on body practices, it is necessary to establish a trust bond between the guide and the practitioner. Therefore, prior processes are carried out to create that atmosphere, as the one we mentioned here.

Through the practice of naked meditation, I can disconnect my physical body from its sexual nature and accept what I truly am.

When I meditate in nature, I don't just experience it; I become part of it. My body merges and blends with the surroundings, and I dissolve into the wonder of creation, of conscious life.

When meditating without clothes, you can feel once again as you were when you came into this world. Your own nudity is what truly matters, and what could be called your 'natural state.' We detach ourselves from the notions that being naked is something to be ashamed of, and even worse, that we should hide our imperfections.

Whether alone or in a group, this wonderful connection is achieved.

Breaking down myths, fears, prejudices, and structures that do not contribute to the flexibility of the union of body, mind, and soul.

Try this incredible type of meditation if you feel judged. Close your eyes and meditate, remembering that there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Don't have places nearby to practice? Perhaps you haven't looked for them, but the tranquility of your garden, a weekday park that is not visited by people who can distract you, or some secret place to meet with other conscious individuals in practice. The places will undoubtedly appear for you.

Become one with the rest of the universe, which is the true meaning of our existence.

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