What is Coaching? What is a Coach?

The human being in his journey of learning, must travel the path of "completeness", to be part of the divine act of creation, or as Heidegger defined it, "he who asks for being is a human being".

Persons brings creativity and spontaneity with them since he is born, but the different cultural factors that society imposes on him limit him, thus undermining his spontaneity and as a consequence limiting or annihilating his creativity in many ocassions.

In the quest to release this "spontaneity", it must face the incompleteness, its vulnerability, uncertainty and the supposed sense of security offered by the "non-change". The circumstances for a person to decide to start a coaching process, can be varied and can range from a personal break, the need to resolve conflicts, achieve emotional fullness, achieve professional goals, undertake a change of life or even habitat. The Guide's mission, in these cases, is to "empower" the consultant (coachee), so that he or she can assume the change in his own hands. It is there where the transformation takes place: By being able to face it and give a new response.

The term "coaching", which has been universally adopted, comes from English ("to coach", train, guide, teach), is a method that consists of accompanying, instructing and training a person or a group of them, with the aim of achieving some goal or developing specific skills.

One of the definitions that I liked most about the role of a coach is that offered by the argentine author Leonardo Wolk, who tells us that a coach must be at the same time a Leader, a Provocator, a Detective and an Alchemist.

Coaching can be understood as a leadership style. And therefore, the coach who takes the lead in this process, must assume the role of a Leader. In my opinion it can be expressed before the coachee or the group, as present but yet silent leader or an active leader although not invasive (aligning essentially with the Taoist philosophy for which I feel much admiration). There the coach must unequivocally manifest his ability to consciously lead. And the leader is an intrinsic and extrinsic motivator for the person or for the team. You must enhance your skills. You as a leader must not say "what" is the way but ensure that consultants can see that there are ways and empower them so they can choose it effectively.

A Detective: A coach investigates and explores without judging, with the greed of a hound. A Provocator. I feel more identified with the position of the provocateur than with that of the facilitator. Because in itself coaching is a provocative process since it requires the questioning of rigid structures of our being and the old practices that indicated “how things should be”.

And finally he becomes an Alchemist, because it helps transform the observer's conscience, since by transforming our way of observing, we will be transforming the way we act, operate in the world and in this way the results we obtain will be different.

These are the steps that we will follow when we work together in a Life Coaching process


The new points of view for the coachee, find solutions and be able to choose among the alternatives available to achieve their objectives.


Observation allows awareness primarily of our power of choice. The coach helps focus on the choices the coachee takes and provides tools to choose consciously and more effectively.

Determining Objetives

It is essential, for any coaching process, to have clearly defined objectives, so that we can take decisions and actions.


With all the information that was obtained, one must proceed in a sustained manner over time. The coach will accompany you to help overcome any difficulties that occur during the action.


Essential to know how far we are from the defined objective. In this way we can take corrective actions that help achieve the desired objectives.

We talk about Ontological Coaching because it makes sense to the being. To the sense of being both as a person as well as the sense of being of language, as it constitutes the human being and understanding language as a generator of realities in a world that is a space of possibilities.

We talk about Transformational Coaching because we understand that nothing will happen if we do not carry out a personal transformation. And Systemic Coaching, since we address the problem of the individual, but not separating it from the context to which it belongs, to its "system", and allowing it to open that environment, to understand how it influences it in the achievement of its objectives.
